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Playing the Field: Strategies for Stakeholders
Managing stakeholders is like organising a big, complex party. You need to know who to invite, understand what each guest likes and keep everyone happy and informed. For a business analyst working on a digital business change initiative, this means identifying the right people, talking to them in ways they understand and keeping them connected throughout the project. Here’s a detailed but simple guide on how to do this effectively.
Identifying Stakeholders
This initial step involves identifying all potential stakeholders who might affect or be affected by the business change initiative. Start by figuring out who needs to be involved. Knowing who your stakeholders are helps you focus your efforts correctly.
There are two models that you can use to identify your stakeholders, each model takes a very different approach, so which model to use?
Power/Interest Grid
A simple tool called the power / interest Grid helps you see who has the power to impact the project as well as how much they care about it. This method of identifying stakeholders has been rolled out to huge numbers of business analysts across a large number of organisations through BCS training courses, but does it work?
Rumour has it that this method often gets off to a great start, but then peters out once the overhead of maintaining all the management/communications kicks in – the team realise there isn’t enough time in the day to manage stakeholders and deliver the actual business change. Often, projects are underfunded when what the project really needs is at least one FTE (full time equivalent) as a line item in the budget to concentrate solely on managing/communicating with stakeholders.
Stakeholder salience
Stakeholder salience identifies the importance of stakeholders in a project based on their power, legitimacy and urgency. It helps business analysts prioritise and address the needs of key stakeholders effectively, ensuring those who can significantly impact the project receive the most attention.
How to spot which stakeholders are right for you
Make a list of everyone you think is related to the project — this can include employees, bosses, suppliers and customers. Think about the selection criteria written in bold above and depending on which model you choose, decide who needs your attention.
Image and text grid
Great Lakes Outreach
Right now we’re supporting the work of Great Lakes Outreach. They are impacting the lives of so many in Burundi, which the IMF has labelled the poorest country in the world, as their programmes equip and empower those with a vision to transform the country.
Charity number two
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.
Image and text grid
Great Lakes Outreach
Right now we’re supporting the work of Great Lakes Outreach. They are impacting the lives of so many in Burundi, which the IMF has labelled the poorest country in the world, as their programmes equip and empower those with a vision to transform the country.
Charity number two
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.
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Proident non incididunt excepteur non. Mollit sunt ex labore ipsum anim voluptate adipisicing. Consequat ut qui esse exercitation deserunt laboris nostrud proident. Ut aliquip consectetur laboris exercitation fugiat pariatur enim Lorem incididunt ipsum. Amet eu duis consequat dolor aliqua non ad culpa magna fugiat aliquip ipsum laboris. Sunt elit labore nisi officia laboris occaecat.
Excepteur amet elit quis aute minim culpa. Cillum officia laboris mollit nisi deserunt adipisicing ad deserunt nulla deserunt. Est commodo proident irure commodo exercitation voluptate.
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