If employers and individuals are going to invest in additional work-based business analysis training, they’re going to want to know it will be worth their time and money.

And while they might well be spoilt for choice in terms of the different courses and training providers on offer, knowing that participants will get the best value from the training they embark on and take the most from it isn’t quite so easy.

Training is most effective when it goes on to have a lasting impact on the individual and employer long after the course is completed, and here at Amatis Training that’s what we’re all about.

To help give the best possible chance of making that happen, here are 5 tips we would recommend looking for to improve your customers’ training:

1. Keep it flexible

Participants that are looking to embark on additional training are likely to be juggling work and possibly other responsibilities or caring commitments too. Flexibility is key to ensure that training is as inclusive as possible, whether that’s in the form of online training options, flexible schedules, extra support or using a range of learning materials and platforms.

2. Backed by accreditation

The benefits of accredited courses are two-fold – firstly you can be sure that the training that is being provided will meet industry standards that are recognised globally, but it also means that when participants complete the course they will receive a qualification that is highly regarded and recognised by employers, and that can go on to have a positive impact on their future prospects.

3. Keep it relevant

For training to be truly effective it needs to be engaging enough and relevant enough for individuals to retain it and apply it in the workplace for many years to come. Courses that use work-based scenarios and practical application can be incredibly effective, but it’s also important that the courses on offer are regularly and consistently reviewed and updated to make them as relevant as possible for the participants completing them.

4. Proof in pass rates

When you’ve invested in training, whether that’s as an individual or as an employer, you don’t want to fail at the first hurdle. A training provider with good pass rates normally reflects a high standard of provision and effective teaching – it shouldn’t be about simply rattling through the course. In particular, mock exam papers can be a really effective way for students to get exam-ready, especially if they are able to access them anywhere and anytime they like.

5. Support beyond the classroom

It’s important with any training, but in particular with online training, that the right support is provided and that you have access to speak to real people on the phone as and when you need. It’s even more valuable when this support isn’t just provided for the duration of the course but further into the future to help with things such as CV reviews and career path advice for participants to gain as much as they can from the training.

At the end of the day, there are many different ways to participate in work-based training and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone. Using a training provider that offers flexibility, a range of options and a high standard of teaching however is always a good place to start.

If you’re interested in knowing a bit more about the type of courses and training we provide here at Amatis Training, and how they could benefit your customers, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – I’d be very happy to talk things through with you.